Vedcool is an AI-based School Management System. Empowering next generation students and teachers with our innovative school management system, video conferencing tool and elearning platform.

We provide cost effective, yet high quality solutions with the School Management System to our customers to enhance their administrative and operational efficiency to achieve their goals.

In the current educational context of digitization and automation, institutions are thinking more dynamically when it comes to education distribution. New approaches like peer feedback, remote learning, mobile based learning and extra curricular(hobby based) learning is taking over the existing education system at a high pace.

To ensure that schools and institutions don’t lag behind in this race of innovative education, we as Vedcool have created our products to transform the institutions in the current digital era to enhance their vision and capabilities. Our technical domain strengths, innovative approach, craving to do things differently but with uncompromised quality ensures that we deliver high quality products to all our customers while ensuring cost effectiveness.
